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eagle engineering & surveying, inc.

Consulting Civil Engineers & Land Surveyors


Reliable & Knowledgeable

Eagle Engineering & Surveying, Inc. is a third generation civil engineering and land surveying firm, serving Washakie County and the Big Horn Basin since 1932. Our longevity in business is due to our "above and beyond" attitude of service to our clients. We have designed, surveyed, supervised the construction and provided quality control testing for the majority of road projects, water and sewer systems, irrigation works, subdivisions and other civil projects in this area. Our clients know we are here to make sure their project is successful not just on paper, but over the entire life of the project.

Our principals, Jesse Frisbee, P.E.L.S., and Mike Donnell, P.E., live in Worland. Both grew up in this area and have extensive knowledge of the area and its people. Eagle Engineering & Surveying, Inc. has been the City Engineer for Worland and the Town Engineer for Basin for many years. We also have extensive records and knowledge of historical projects, as well as surveying and mapping in this area dating back to the early 1900's.




908 Big Horn Ave.
P.O. Box 638
Worland, WY 82401


Phone: 307-347-8276


Major Engineering Projects

Worland Middle School

CTA Architects and Engineers of Billings, Montana was hired to design the school. CTA asked Eagle Engineering & Surveying, Inc. (FKA Donnell & Allred, Inc.) to perform the initial site survey. We took well over a thousand shots to determine property lines, existing structures and half-foot contours.

West Broadway in Thermopolis

Eagle Engineering & Surveying, Inc. (FKA Donnell & Allred, Inc.) was hired by WYDOT to design the reconstruction of West Broadway Street in Thermopolis including the intersection with 6th Street. The project presented many challenges that were overcome to provide an economical design that met the needs of all involved.

Wyoming Boys School Water & Sewer Line

Eagle Engineering & Surveying, Inc. (FKA Donnell & Allred, Inc.) was tasked to design and supervise the construction for extending water and sewer systems from the City of Worland to serve the Wyoming Boys School south of Worland.

Basin Streets and Water

Eagle Engineering & Surveying, Inc. (FKA Donnell & Allred, Inc.) has provided design and construction inspection for paving approximately 10 miles of Basin streets. We also designed over 15,000 feet of water line to be constructed along with the street paving.

Bike Path and Pedestrian Walkway

In 2000, Eagle Engineering & Surveying, Inc. (FKA Donnell & Allred, Inc.) designed a bike path and pedestrian bridge for the Town of Basin. The 1-mile pathway travels from the residential area up to the baseball diamonds. It then follows the canal back to town. This scenic loop provides the residents of Basin with a safe and enjoyable way to travel to and from Maloney Park.


Eagle Engineering & Surveying, Inc. (FKA Donnell & Allred, Inc.) was involved in the conceptual development and construction engineering of the wells, transmission line and various structures included in the project. The project consisted of 22 miles of large diameter pipeline, two well houses, two low zone pressure reducing stations and a chlorination and pressure reducing station.